速報APP / 生產應用 / AutoKiller PRO

AutoKiller PRO





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:Hévizi út 5. 1033 Budapest Hungary

AutoKiller PRO(圖1)-速報App

AutoKiller Memory Optimizer speeds up your rooted device and makes your battery last longer!

This is the PRO key for AutoKiller Memory Optimizer.

AutoKiller PRO(圖2)-速報App



AutoKiller PRO(圖3)-速報App


This app itself won't open, this just unlocks the free AutoKiller Memory Optimizer app.

AutoKiller PRO(圖4)-速報App

PRO unlocks these features:

- no ads

AutoKiller PRO(圖5)-速報App

- Chuck Norris mode enabled

- apply kernel tweaks on boot

AutoKiller PRO(圖6)-速報App

- alternate preset (while screen is off)

- all widgets

AutoKiller PRO(圖7)-速報App

- quick restart

- memory reclaim

AutoKiller PRO(圖8)-速報App

The PRO key app is equivalent with the donator account, you don't need to buy this if you have already donated.

-- MobiWIA - a cooperation with EclipSim --

AutoKiller PRO(圖9)-速報App